Visit Hakugindo on Trips to Okinawa | How to Pray in the Shrine as Told by Itoman Local

Hakugindo is the center of events in the lunar calendar, such as the Umigami-matsuri (Itoman Haaree) and the Itoman Tug-of-War.

“Hakugindo” is the god that protects Itoman.

This article features Hakugindo, which you should visit at least once.

Visit Hakugindo on trips to Okinawa
How to Pray at the Shrine as Told by Itoman Locals

What is Hakugindo?

In the fishing town of Itoman, Hakugindo has been worshiped by the locals as a god of the good catch and safe voyages.

Hakugindo is also said to be the god of fortune, and is a sacred place visited by local businessmen.

[Visit Hakugindo on trips to Okinawa] Hakugindo is one of the Utaki (sacred sites) in Okinawa.

There is a money offering box where you can make donations.

An old story of Hakugindo passed down in Itoman

The reason why Hakugindo is also worshipped as the god of fortune comes from the story of “Midon”, a Satsuma samurai who came from Nishibaru to become a seaman.

[Visit Hakugindo on trips to Okinawa | The Legend of Hakugindo] The place where Hakugindo is located used to be a rock cave on the beach.

“When you are angry, stay your hand. When your hand is raised, calm your anger.”

[Visit Hakugindo on trips to Okinawa | When you are angry, stay your hand]

[Visit Hakugindo on trips in Okinawa | The origin story of the god of fortune]

Hakugindo is also worshiped as the god of fortune. Tourists visit Hakugindo to pray for financial success; however, the god of fortune does not freely give money, but grants you wishes parallel to your personal and spiritual growth.

How to pray at Hakugindo.

You are a traveler staying in Itoman, and the first thing you should do is to greet Hakugindo so that the gods will protect you on your journey.

[Visit Hakugindo on trips to Okinawa | Self-Introduction and Greetings]

For tranquility, it is important to quiet your mind.

Points to note when visiting Hakugindo

A raised coral shrine protected with a red tiled roof. At the top of the stairs is an area lined with several small shrines. You may come across some locals worshiping there with offerings.

[Visit Hakugindo on trips to Okinawa | Points to note when visiting the shrine] This is a sacred place with a deity who protects the locals, so please don’t go too deep into the shrine.

In the parking lot, in front of the restroom there is an enshrined Benzaiten (goddess of water ,music and money), where you can worship quietly.
Understand that this is a sacred place and everything here is considered to be a holy. Please do not take anything stones, plants, trees, and so on, from this place.

What do you think? This article is for travelers who want to experience old-fashioned Okinawa through Hakugindo, which is the center of many lunar calendar events.


The origin of and how to pray at Hakugindo:

– Itoman’s god of the good catch and safe voyages, and also the god of fortune
– There is an raised coral called “Shirogane-no-oibe”.
– The legend: “When you angry, stay your hand. When your hand is raised, calm your anger”
– The god of fortune, who answers prayers of building wealth when worshippers improve their personalities
– Do not go too deep into the shrine.
– Do not disturb local worshipers.


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